Our Programs

Welcome to PneumaCare’s Programs! Here, we offer a variety of tailored services aimed at supporting both youth and adults within our community. PneumaCare is designed to aid you in the process of getting Medical, Dental, Behavioral, and Housing Care established. Working within the community, we offer support and ongoing assistance to see that your needs are met.

We believe in the power of active community involvement to make a lasting impact. Dive into our programs to see how PneumaCare can help you achieve a healthier, more stable, and fulfilling life.

Our Mission is to Love Our Neighbors as Ourselves.

Enhanced Care Management

Assisting neighbors with enhancing their care and managing their whole health needs.

Help establish Primary Care Physician, if necessary.

Develop and maintain a personalized care plan to better support the needs and goals of the neighbor in improving their life.

Coordinate care with a variety of providers.

Community Supports: Navigation & Transition

Navigating the housing process.  Transitioning from homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Identify and remediate housing barriers.

Help with rental applications.

Assist with navigating first months’ rent & security deposit, up to $5,000.

Ensure smooth transition with neighbor and landlord.

Housing Deposit

Upon approval, provision of first months’ rent and security deposit, up to $5,000.

Must be receiving CS Navigation & Transition Services.

Once in a lifetime benefit.

Must have pending lease and a household source of income to qualify.

Community Supports: Tenancy & Sustaining

Navigating the tenancy process.  Sustaining the new life of being housed.

Identify and remediate possible barriers of maintaining tenancy.

Troubleshoot conflict and communication with landlord and/or other tenants.

Day Habilitation

Classes specifically formulated for the needs of the neighbor.

Teaching and encouraging new life skills.

Helping foster resilience and support networks.